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Ramayampet, A Famous Christian Heritage City in A.P. Visited


Famous Christian Heritage City of Ramayampet, in A.P.  Visited


NCC AP State President Dr. B. George Muller, Nandigama President Joseph Raju and Secretary Parimi Praveen visited the famous Christian heritage city of Ramayampet.

Ramayampet history of Christian missions dates back to the 19th century. One of the earliest Christian missionaries to arrive in this region was the American Missionary Reverend Benjamin Holt. He was associated with the American Baptist Telugu Mission and played a significant role in spreading the Christian message in the area.

Reverend Benjamin Holt and other missionaries began their work in the region during the mid-1800s. They established mission stations and worked to evangelize and educate the local population. These missionaries contributed to the growth of the Christian community and the establishment of educational institutions, including what later became Scott Christian College.


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