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Certificate of Commitment Featured

Founder President Dr. K. Sam Paul & National President Rev. A Stephen Chittibabu

Its a Joy to celebrate 73rd Independence day with 24 states of Leadership working on Building Gods Kingdom. Its a joy today to inform you all National Christian Council 24 states in India that we are privileged to get the Certificate of Commitment issued from Central Vigelence Commission as we have adopted Integrity Pledge and we committed to uphold highest standards of integrity and good governance to follow ethical practices in dealing with its leaders and in conducting its activities.

National Christian Council shall now work on promoting Integrity and eradicating corruption as follows.

  1. We shall promote ethical business practices and foster a culture of honesty and integrity;
  2. We shall not offer or accept bribes;
  3. We commit to good corporate governance based on transparency, accountability and fairness;
  4. We shall adhere to relevant laws, rules and compliance mechanisms in the conduct of business;
  5. We shall adopt a code of ethics for all our employees;
  6. We shall sensitize our employees of laws, regulations, etc. relevant to their work for honest discharge of their duties;
  7. We shall provide grievance redressal and Whistle Blower mechanism for reporting grievances and fraudulent activities;
  8. We shall protect the rights and interests of stakeholders and the society at large.

So, as a National Body of National Christian Council we update you all especially 24 State Presidents and all District Level and Constituency Level and Taluka / Mandal Level Leaders to incorporate this pledge in all National Christian Council Activities.

Blessings from Administrative Office.

Dr. K. Sam Paul - Founder President
Rev .A. Stephen Chitti Babu - National President

Last modified on Monday, 27 April 2020 18:02
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visionWe Unite to Serve
We bring cohesion in the various denominations of Christian faith

visionBe Voice to Voiceless
To be a Voice for the voiceless and also raise awareness & Bring Hope to the Hopeless.

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Currently serving in over 24 States and Union Territories of India

Building of leaders throughout the Country by helping their pursuit of preserving democracy and maintaining human rights focusing on minorities rights.


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